Our Success Stories

The people we help are real and the reason they are selling their home is unique to their story. These are some of the people and situations that we have been able to help.

Lansing St

A bad tenant situation. We were able to help the property owner out of a costly and time consuming process.

 See our process here

114th Pl

We were able to help the owners and save them from foreclosure



Client inherited a property full of unwanted belongings that had been unmaintained for many years


The owners found their dream home and needed to sell quickly

Check it out!

Fort Worth

Military owner got new orders and had to transfer immediately

Look at this update!

Washington St.

Rental property with a bad tenant situation. We purchased the property and handled the situation for the owners

W 36th Ave

Children inherited the house which hadn't been updated since the 1950s. The children didn't want the hassle of updating and preparing it for sale


An estate situation where the inherited owner did not want to deal with updates or cleaning prior to sale. 

This one has a happy ending story as well. Clients who had been looking for a home for nearly a year purchased this from us mid-renovation. We finished the project and made their first time home buying experience a reality.

Jewell Ave

An estate property that hadn't been updated and had structural damage that needed to be addressed

14th Ave

Family wanted to take advantage of the current real estate market and upgrade to a newer home without doing any of the updates to sell

Welby Rd

An outdated rental property that the owner wanted to cash out without hassle

Elm St

An estate property that needed significant updates. 

Del Commundo

An estate property that would not pass inspections for a traditional sale. Repairs and updates were outside of owners means so we helped out.

110th Pl

We were able to offer the owner a great deal and save them from foreclosure.

Check out the before and after here

Scranton St.

An estate property that was in need of repairs. The inherited owner didn't want to deal with it and they needed a quick closing.

Atlantic Pl

This unit was a rental property for over 15 years. The owner lived out of state and wanted to take advantage of the current market and get top dollar while not having to update or repair anything.


This home was in pre-foreclosure. The owner contracted with a real estate agent who reached out to us for a cash offer. It turns out that our offer was higher than any of the offers they received with the traditional listing. 


Family wanting to relocate quickly, looking for a fair price and no hassle.

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A rental property that needed updates. The landlord was in need of a sale on his terms and some flexibility on closing.


An estate situation with out of state care takers who needed fast and easy sale. They were very pleased with the offer and ease of sale. 

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The Before and After


A difficult family situation that benefited from a speedy transaction with flexibility to occupy for a short time after closing